
Mixed-Reality Training for Medical First Responders

#health #procedure #worksafety #skill

MED1stMR is developing an innovative mixed reality training technology that combines real medical simulators with virtual environments to prepare medical first responders for highly complex disaster situations.

Key Benefits


Consortium partners

19 consortial partners are represented in Med1stMR, 8 of them are end-user organizations.



The 19 project partners come from a total of 9 countries in Europe.


Project Length (Months)

Med1stMR has a total duration of 3 years and will be completed in 2024


Mixed reality as the key to success

MED1stMR’s main goal is to better prepare Medical First Responders for stressful and highly complex disaster situations by developing a new generation of mixed reality training with haptic feedback. These innovative training approaches will significantly support and improve the skills of medical first responders to ensure more effective life saving. The project includes four broad objectives:

  • Develop a breakthrough MR training approach that provides a realistic learning environment.
  • Creation of effective training scenarios and curriculum through agile and user-centered design with cross-sector participation from Medical First Responders.
  • Integrating a feedback loop between physiological signals and trainee behavior and intelligent scenario control to further improve MR training effectiveness.
  • Distribution of the pioneering MR training approach across Europe to optimally address both current and future challenges for Medical First Responders.


End users play a central role

To achieve the goal, a highly multidisciplinary approach is pursued throughout the project, which ranges from requirements analysis, technological development and implementation to psychological research into human influencing factors and optimal training design to the resulting technology experiences and scientific evaluation and validation of project results and subsequent integration into existing MFF training and working practices.


MED1stMR pursues an agile, user-centric research approach that builds on the expertise within the consortium. The expertise of the project partners with a background in user-centered design and psychological evaluation serves as an integral basis.

Agile development

This approach ensures that the needs of Medical First Responders are incorporated into the development of MR training environments. This integrates “hands-on” XR environments and state-of-the-art manikin technology to provide realistic training.


  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH – Center for Technology Experience, Austria
  • Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany
  • Umeå Universitet, Sweden
  • Universität Bern, Switzerland
  • Montanuniversität Leoben – Department Zentrum am Berg, Austria
  • Refense AG, Switzerland
  • PLUX, Wireless Biosignals S.A., Portugal
  • D2D Holding B.V./ Simulators for healthcare training – Medical-X, The Netherlands
  • Idener Research & development Agrupacion De Interes Economico, Spain
  • USECON – The Usability Consultants GmbH, Austria
  • Mindconsole GmbH, Austria
  • SIM CAMPUS Center for emergency-, crisis and disaster simulation and disaster diplomacy GmbH, Austria
  • ELLINIKI OMADA DIASOSIS SOMATEIO (Hellenic Rescue Team), Greece
  • Johanniter Österreich Ausbildung und Forschung gemeinnützige GmbH, Austria
  • SERMAS – SUMMA, Spain
  • Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Germany
  • Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Sweden
  • Johanniter International, Belgium
  • Autonoom Provinciebedrijf Campus Vesta, Belgium

What our partners say

"Properly assessing situations, reviewing and monitoring vital signs, and choosing the most appropriate strategy for delivering care are challenges in current medical training practice. Current training capabilities for such scenarios are limited. We aim to fill this gap with the MR solution developed in MED1stMR. We bring together the haptics of manikins with realistic simulation of injuries with virtual disaster situations."


DI Helmut Schrom-Feiertag, Project Management, Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Technology Experience

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No 101021775. The content reflects only the consortium’s view. Research Executive Agency and European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.