Safety training in forestry with eXtended Reality methods

#health #skill #knowledge #worksafety

FWSafeXR is dedicated to researching safety-related training content in forestry technology using XR technologies. A special focus is on experiential learning approaches, phenomenological learning and gamification aspects. To achieve this goal, the project follows a user-centred design approach and continuously integrates relevant experts and stakeholders in the development process. The result of the project are several XR scenarios dealing with safety and emergency relevant aspects in the forestry sector.

Key Benefits


Consortium partners

There are 5 consortium partners in FWSafeXR, 3 of which are end-user organisations.


Safety and emergency relevant scenarios

The project implements three scenarios with safety and emergency relevance in forestry


Monate Laufzeit

FWSafeXR has a total duration of one year and will be completed in 2023


Success with gamification

FWSafeXR explores the potential of digital technologies, especially eXtended Realities (XR), in forestry. One focus is on game-based learning approaches from the field of human-computer interaction in order to integrate safety-relevant aspects into training in a sustainable and practical way. The focus is on safety, and XR offers an excellent solution. Through Extended Realities, phenomenological learning is made possible, which has not been part of the pedagogical training concept in Austria so far. The advantage of this approach lies in the personal experience and the individual experience of certain learning situations as well as the possibility to reflect on one’s own behaviour in an “after-action review”. This allows safety-relevant content to be taught more effectively, leading to increased safety for trainees and overall improved safety in forestry.


Potentials of XR in a safety-relevant context

The project’s main guiding principle is to involve future users and trainees through a user-centred design approach. This includes not only the trainees themselves, but also other stakeholder groups such as trainers and educators. The facilitators’ perspective plays a crucial role in integrating new forms of learning into their everyday teaching. Requirement analysis: First of all, an analysis of the existing curricula in forestry training institutions is carried out in order to examine safety-relevant knowledge transfer. Special attention is paid to the identification of safety-relevant teaching content that cannot be optimally taught at present. Based on this analysis, the conceptual description of two to three key scenarios for learning safety-related actions in forestry technology will be carried out. The project partners with expertise in the field of safety and rescue technology will contribute their experience in training and simulations. In addition, a gamification concept will be developed to enable repeated and varied training of the two use cases. Agile development: As part of the implementation of these scenarios using XR technology, the various stakeholder groups are continuously involved in an agile development approach and provide feedback on the various development stages. This prototypical implementation is then tested in an empirical study.


  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH – Center for Technology Experience, Österreich
  • Mindconsole GmbH, Österreich
  • Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz, LANDESVERBAND OÖ, Österreich
  • Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald Forstliche Ausbildungsstätte Ossiach, Österreich
  • Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald Forstliche Ausbildungsstätte Traunkirchen, Österreich
  • Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Service GmbH, Österreich

Funded with the support of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism
